From the first part of the article, we understand that SEO is very important, and without it, too much will is expended on traditional marketing activities.
Now let's continue with Who Needs SEO?Who Needs SEO?
But for real, who needs Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?
Regardless of the situation, if you own a business website, SEO should be prioritized. Whether your business is new or old, successful or failing, large- or small scale, SEO is crucial to your online success.
There are factors about business you can’t control: new competitors' market entry, customers' reaction to a new product or quarterly profits. Nevertheless, with SEO, you can control your rankings. And this means, to some extent, you can control how many visitors come to your website, which directly impacts the quantum of online sales or leads.
Investing in search engine optimization translates to increased profitability.
Factors that determine the need for SEO
Every website has different needs with regards to SEO. However, such needs are seldom determined by the business or industry. These determinants include:
- The website’s stage in the growth process
- Vsitors' reactions to the website
- What keywords the business wants to rank for
- The amount of competition for those keywords
- Whether or not any SEO has been done in the past
- Whether or not the site is under any kind of search engines penalty
How Search Engine Optimization Works
Google, for example, has spider bots that look for key bits of information that signal to them the topics and value of the content on each webpage. The spiders, of course, cannot really read. This means they look out for certain terms and examine the site organization to find clues about the value of the site.
Below are some of the aspects of SEO that form the basis of any strategy:
Keyword Optimization: Keywords refer to terms you write about, trying to match the keywords that your target audience use in searches for your type of product and services.
It is important to realize, however, that keywords alone are not enough. Search engines do not want to see texts filled with endless repetitions of the same keyword or key phrase. Texts like this read poorly and contribute to poor user experience.
Rather, search engines require not just high-value keywords, but also semantic keywords, which refer to other terms you will likely use when discussing a particular term.
Site Map: A clear site map makes it easy for search engines to index and navigate the website. It also helps to ensure that the spider does not miss any of the pages of the site while it scans the domain.
A clear site map and easy navigation also contributes to the user experience. When users can easily move throughout your site, they become better engaged with the content, consequently turning them to customers.
Mobile optimization: SEO would be incomplete without a discussion of mobile optimization. Google noted that more searches take place on mobile devices than desktop computers. In response, they have updated their requirements to improve mobile optimization. Beginning in 2015, Google rolled out their so-called Mobilegeddon update.
According to this update, sites that were not mobile-friendly were going to be affected in rankings. Being mobile-ready can take a few different forms, including having a designated mobile site or using responsive design to adjust the site to any size screen.
Since Google implemented their mobile first indexing, it is now necessary for all websites to have a responsive mobile site too. With this new update, Google now looks first at the mobile construction of the website. The search engine ranks websites on mobile device user experience.
Thus, if your website has both desktop and mobile versions, the latter is indexed. If you have a non-responsive mobile site, you will surely miss out on potential traffic and conversion for your business.
To succeed in this mobile-first world, brands need to use mobile SEO to ensure that their content have been created correctly. The site should be easy to navigate. It should also load well on mobile devices, be easy to read, and devoid of pop-ups or other types of text that might disrupt the mobile-user experience.
To fully optimize for mobile, brands must focus on creating sites for mobile users rather than merely creating a site that works on their devices.
SEO has become a critical online success factor for businesses. Organizations that are desirous of a strong presence and are ready to engage the modern customer must do well to invest in SEO and domain expertise.
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